Well, this is something like a New Year's Resolution. Basically, we realized that between the two of us, we have over 52 years of dieting experience! So, we wanted to draw on that experience.... and our writing talents, to create something that can support us both as we try our best to be healthy... and possibly lose weight. So this will be part food diary, part emotional discussion, part fun... and hopefully completely successful.

Friday, January 02, 2009

Hurrah, I finally conquered Blogger! I was having issues logging in.

I'd really like to focus on health this year, and I know that if I do this, my weight will adjust itself accordingly. Because if I'm doing what's truly right for myself in heart, body, and mind; my person is bound to evolve in a positive way.

All my fancy-schmancy way of saying I'll feel good AND look good! Heh, why use a few words when you can use many? Must be leftover from NaNoWriMo. Ahem.

I went grocery shopping on New Year's Day and bought stuff that I enjoy eating AND that is good for me. Luckily for me, I genuinely enjoy many foods that are high in nutrients, etc. I'm not saying I'm never going to eat stuff like cheeseburgers, fries, and ice cream again, because frankly, life wouldn't be worth living. But I am saying that they are to be the exception rather than the norm.

Being morbidly obsese (because why sugar coat it? My BMI is hideously high and I definitely fall into this category) is not an easy problem to solve. I've decided that it's caused by many different things. What those things are, I haven't discovered, obviously.

Oh, sure; there's the obvious: To lose weight, I must burn off more calories than I take in and get moving. And I'm not doing that. But it just isn't that simple (not that even THAT is simple!). There's got to be more to it because although I have sucessfully done these two things and lost weight in the past, I haven't been able to KEEP doing it. I haven't been able to keep from gaining back all that I've lost and more.


I don't know what the answers are, but I am dedicating 2009 to finding them.

Because to quote Yoda, Do, or do not. There is no try.

Here are some thoughts I've had on what I need to do, in no particular order:

1. I need to simplify my life by getting rid of clutter. Clutter causes stress, and stress causes over-eating.

2. I need to start devoting part of every day to my spirituality. A strong relationship with my savior can only help me take better care of myself.

3. I need to write everyday. It's hard to eat when you're typing, and it will make me happier, which will help with my emotional eating.

4. I need more physical contact. Sex would be ideal, but since that doesn't seem to be forthcoming, I have signed up with massage envy so that at least once a month, I'll be getting a full body massage. I am firmly convinced that people need flesh on flesh contact with other human beings to survive. And I'm not just talking about sex, hence the massages. :)

5. I need to move everyday.

6. I need to make sure that at the end of each week I have eaten much more healthy food than unhealthy food.

7. I need to volunteer, either time or money, to others.

8. I need to widen my social circle by joining some groups that most interest me, i.e. writing, dancing, wine tasting.

9. I need to spend more time outdoors, especially nature walks.

These are just some of the thoughts I pondered while I was delayed getting home from the holidays for hours and hours and hours. At least the time went to good use!


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