Well, this is something like a New Year's Resolution. Basically, we realized that between the two of us, we have over 52 years of dieting experience! So, we wanted to draw on that experience.... and our writing talents, to create something that can support us both as we try our best to be healthy... and possibly lose weight. So this will be part food diary, part emotional discussion, part fun... and hopefully completely successful.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

My pee is clear.

And frequent.

I'm on Day 1 of the Detox Diet (sort of). I'm at a friend's for dinner, and I'm going to eat the chili that they are providing, even though it's meat, and I'm supposed to avoid meat.

But it's got tomatoes and beans (and turkey), so it should be good. And yummy, since I'm hungry.

The diet involves A LOT of water, therefore the clear urine. When I wake up, I'm supposed to drink warm water with half a lemon. That wasn't too bad. Then I have to drink pure cranberry juice (yucky, not sweet) 1:4 mixed with water and psyllium husks (as in Metumucil). That sucked.

Then I have to drink over 10 cups of water over the day, with 3 of them mixed with this Cellfood stuff that supposedly helps detox.

For food, I've had two apples, half a bag of carrots, two Clementines, and a spinach salad (as in, spinach with dressing). It's supposed to be mostly fruits and veggies. I can't wait for the chili. But I'll skip any cheese or sour cream, to at least stay away from diary.

Tried to exercise, but the damn treadmill isn't working. That's really sucky, since that's one of the prongs of this multi-pronged attacks.

Still feel miserable from a cold, have been sleeping a lot lately.


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