Fatitude Adjustment

Well, this is something like a New Year's Resolution. Basically, we realized that between the two of us, we have over 52 years of dieting experience! So, we wanted to draw on that experience.... and our writing talents, to create something that can support us both as we try our best to be healthy... and possibly lose weight. So this will be part food diary, part emotional discussion, part fun... and hopefully completely successful.

Friday, February 06, 2009

Watched Biggest Loser again on Tuesday, and THANK GOD, Joelle finally left (she's an annoying contestant.) She managed to lose... 0 pounds in the 5th week.

Anyway, the best thing I heard that night was one contestant that said that she needs to love her body more than she loves food. And that she knew that meant she'd need to love her body a lot, since she really loved food.

I totally agree that I need to learn that as well. I KNOW that my body feels much better when I eat healthy... and that it really doesn't like it when I eat poorly (especially my digestive system).

And really, there are foods that are good for me and taste good. Like water. But today I really wanted a Coke. So I got one. I want another one now, but I'm going to get some water and see if that will satisfy me.

I also know that eating breakfast really sets me up for eating better the entire day. So I'll need to work on that as well.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Success begets success. Failure begets failure. Abraham begat Isaac; and Isaac begat Jacob; and Jacob begat Judas and his brethren... never mind.

When I was doing well on the diet, I was doing well. I was losing weight, I was preparing the night before, I was eating when I was supposed to.

One weekend as Manager on Duty with less access to healthy foods and a hell of a lot of access to bad foods... and I fell off the wagon.

And gained weight. Which, of course, led to frustration and annoyance and loss of iniative. So, I ended January the same weight I began it. Which was not the plan.

But it's a new month, with new goals. Again, I want to lose ten pounds by the end of this month.

More importantly, I want to recognize how much better I feel when I eat well, and how miserable I feel when I choose poorly. At the Super Bowl party yesterday, I got really nasty heartburn, and some lovely diarrhea.

Not what I'm looking for, really.