Well, this is something like a New Year's Resolution. Basically, we realized that between the two of us, we have over 52 years of dieting experience! So, we wanted to draw on that experience.... and our writing talents, to create something that can support us both as we try our best to be healthy... and possibly lose weight. So this will be part food diary, part emotional discussion, part fun... and hopefully completely successful.

Friday, January 09, 2009

Today might be a challenge. I called out sick today with a bad headache, so that means I'm home with more access to food.

However, I've slept in until 10 am, so that'll help. And I don't feel starving, so I'm just going through my routine of the lemon water, than some fruits.

Okay, took a break and got some food. Since I'm at home, I finally got to make some of the fruits be a smoothie. Took some frozen blueberries and some vanilla soy milk. Added some sugar too (which technically is a no-no) then realized I should have added orange juice and gotten the same sweetness. It was freaking delicious. Like, better than most things I can buy that is bad for you.

Had some eggs for lunch, but I'm still a bit hungry. I'll have to drink some water and distract myself for a while. Then, maybe another smoothie. :)

Down to 223 this morning, so that's 7 lbs this week. And I'm on Day 1 of period, so it should go down more.


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